The Earth without art

When love is truly in the air!

Butterflies courtship is beautiful and romantic! It’s a discovery of the senses and a serious game of survival, there is not much time to loose because they live only a very short life. So, first they wear their most beautiful dress, it’s a show of wonderful colors and nuances. Then, a touch of perfume. Infact,… Continue reading When love is truly in the air!

Young ones can walk faster but the older ones know the way!

This is a beautiful, African proverb! And I wanted to mention it, because even though sight might diminish as we age, the precious value of the experience and the knowledge of wise, elderly persons is not lost, and actually it is  always needed. Infact, wether they can see properly or not, they can often “see”… Continue reading Young ones can walk faster but the older ones know the way!

The perception of color and age

Can age affects the way we perceive a color, maybe even our favourite color? Yes, I’m afraid, it does. Infact, by time our retina looses its sensitivity  to the light and this makes it harder to see certain colors and objects in half-light as clear as before. The yellowing of the lens, the cataract, the… Continue reading The perception of color and age

The Perception of Color

The perception of color happens in our brain. For the vision at daylight, over our retina we have 3 different photoreceptors, which are often called red cones, blue cones and green cones.  They all send signals and the brain interprets them. Thanks to the different intensity of those 3 colors every color can be perceived.… Continue reading The Perception of Color