The cutest and most adorable creature

If you had to pick the cutest animal ever what would you choose? I know, it’s hard, there are so many to choose from.

But personally I find turtles and tortoises so very adorable and irresistible, either they are newly hatched babies or else giant and incredibly  old. To me their face resemble a serpent’s face and yet their eyes are super sweet and their protective shell super cute. They are hilarious to look at and they have got their own personality:  the boys are usually all sport, games and challenges, it amazes me that they never seem to want to give up. Instead the girls are really very quite and enjoy sleeping a lot.

Once I saw a tortoise with two heads, poor thing: How much tenderness in seeing that they both wanted to have their lettuce, they were infact eating the double of what they truly needed. Two leaves of fresh, green salad was all it took to make it/them happy. How sweet!

Although turtles are silent they well know how to make themselves clear 🙂

By the way, if you happen to find one, don’t just take it home assuming it will be the perfect pet for your child: it might be the violent type, very dangerous. And in any case, they need to be looked after properly or they might die.

My latest artwork is a piece of colorful crazy mosaic art called Turtally mad about turtles. It’s a turtle undercover with two missions! You can read its story at the description of my work at this link

Thanks a lot for reading!

Lucia Waterson (34)

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld.
I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope.

I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website

I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky.

Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson

By Lucia Waterson

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld. I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope. I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky. Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson

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