I am a Zen Buddhist monk, (dharma name: Ven. Myohye Do’an) in the Five Mountain Zen Order and in addition to teaching meditation and holding Zen services, I create art. The purchase of prints here help support my ability to live and teach as a monk. Thank you for your consideration.
My paintings and drawings explore the natural world and examines ancient mythologies, while seeking to remove the artificial barrier humans have created to separate us from nature. It is my goal to contribute toward creating a new mythic tradition that doesn’t ignore the myriad non-human life-forms that have the right to exist with dignity on earth.
I also spin yarn, weave, and crochet. My fiber work is a practice in meditation and contemplation. My goal is through contemplative practice that results in creating a piece of art that can be used as an object of contemplation, with the potential to wake up a person to the limitless potential of the present moment.