Last week I talked about experimenting with my camera but not using a notebook to write down the different settings I was using. I have been taking pictures for the One Image A Week For 52 Weeks Personal Art Challenge that was using the theme The World Outside.
This week I also participated in a three day challenge in which the theme was Bread. All of the photographs for that challenge were taken indoors. I was able to write down the different settings I used without having to lug around a notebook because there was paper and pencil right there on my desk!
Having access to paper and pencil did not, however, make those photo sessions any less frustrating. The desired effect in changing the depth of field without adding noise (like grainy film) and getting the light exposure right all at the same time still eludes me.
The good part of this short challenge was the bread! There’s very little bread bought and eaten in our place even though it’s one of my husband’s favorite foods. You can image how elated he was when we went grocery shopping and I visited the deli to buy three different types of bread. He was so appreciative that he picked up some Baklava for me before we left that department.
I’m sure we both gained an extra pound or two this week eating a loaf of Banana Nut Bread, a French Baguette, Cornbread and of course the Baklava!
Considering the frustration of the completed challenge, each pound I may have gained is worth every single bite of that Baklava.
Your thoughts are always welcomed and encouraged if you’d like to comment.
Click here to view a larger version of today’s image and to browse through more images on my site.