June, My Elephant In The Room

June is a strange month for me. It’s my time for reflection which most people do at the New Year, or birthdays, (especially as we get older). For me it’s always been June. Halfway through the year when I realise that I’m no closer to my goals of last June at all. Not an iota.

I look at my job and see if I’m where I want to be. I look at my home to see the same thing. I look at the people I’m surrounding myself with to see if I truly actually like them. (I spent years with people I didn’t like at all, so this past one is rather important to me now.)

This June I’m happy to report that the people and job are just dandy. But the goals have got further away….. So!

I’ve checked in with the site that will allow me my bucket list dream of wing walking and have a weight goal I want to get to so I can achieve it.

Those friends who promised to come jet lining with me had better get a free day planned!

… and I’ve decided to take a week away with no internet, animals, boyfriend, in a cottage somewhere in England or Wales…. to get on with these two books I’ve started. One is a murder mystery, one a fantasy story. I just need to break the back on one, or both. Either of these WILL be finished in the next few months or I’m going to give up altogether.

I’m going to actually paint something again. If I can be bothered to get all my paints out. I have a love hate relationship with my painting. I need to relax more and so making it precious.

So, really is not a bad year so far. Just personal goals to get on with and make time for.

On a side note, many, many miles away, today is King Kamehameha Day in Hawaii. It celebrates the “Kamehameha the Great.” He is credited with uniting the Hawaiian Islands in 1810. I bet you didn’t know that!… Well, I didn’t anyway.

What would you change for the rest of the year if you could? Have you something you need to make time for? Will you? I’m off now to read about King Kamehameha and go to work. Talk soon.

Abbie (232)

Manager + on large art site Pixels.com Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours.

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own. Personal site is at https://abbie-shores.com

One thought on “June, My Elephant In The Room

  1. Very interesting that you reflect in June but appropriate since, as you explained it’s the halfway mark for the year.

    You always teach me something new Abbie (King Kamehameha Day).

    That’s a loaded question for me in that last paragraph (the third question).


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