One of the most googled words

One of the most googled words (and I’m pretty sure you searched it as well) is TRANSLATE!

Google instantly translates between English and more than 100 other languages. It’s a great tool!

But translation is an art. The best translation is the one you read through and you don’t even realize it has been translated, because it sounds so natural.

Translation is an art but art doesn’t need translation.

Art is a voice that doesn’t use words, it doesn’t need them. It has a message, though, and it often conveys it louder and more clearly than words.

Even when it doesn’t have a deep meaning, the viewer will always try to find a message in the particular arrangement of shapes and colors, because art opens our minds and hearts.

“Painting is poetry that is seen” is a beautiful quote attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.

Art is a form of communication that doesn’t need to be translated by Google and yet it needs Google.

Why? Because art is freedom but it’s not free and as an artist I hope that Google will help me in selling my art!

Will you help me, Google, please? 🙂

This is the link to my site

Thanks a million everyone for reading!


Lucia Waterson (34)

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld.
I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope.

I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website

I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky.

Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson

By Lucia Waterson

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld. I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope. I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky. Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson

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