

My latest Art Challenge image was a photograph of part of a lamp cord that was hanging off of the side of a desk.

The cord curved where it first left the desk top and straightened out as it fell to near floor level where the electrical outlet was located on the wall.

The room was dark, lit only by the desk lamp. The light from that lamp caused a shadow of the cord to form on the wall.

There were no other parts of the lamp or other objects in the photograph, only part of the lamp cord and it’s shadow.

The image is classified as Minimalism Art, a movement in art and design that first became popular in the late 1950s and 1960s. It is characterized by extreme forms of simplicity. It exposes the essentials or identity of an object by eliminating all but it’s most basic form.

In the last decade a form of minimalism has become popular in daily living, too. Tiny houses became popular as people wanted to downsize their homes, ridding themselves and their homes of possessions and clutter. Others bought several acres of land and tried their hand at homesteading, filling their homes with only the bare necessities of life so their time and energy could be spent growing food and tending to their children and/or animals.

In the case of downsizing and homesteading minimalism must not be confused with simplicity as neither is a simple lifestyle!

What are your thoughts on Minimalism, either in an art form or daily life?

Do you like your art to be full of objects and color or do you prefer a more simplistic image?

What about your daily life?

Do you prefer a more minimal style of living and decorating or do you thrive on being surrounded by possessions or clutter?

Please share you thoughts in the comment section.

Click here  to view a larger version of today’s featured image and many others on my web site.

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