What is Art

It’s not that simple to exactly define Art in all its complexity.

One definition from the Merriam-Webster dictionary is:

“The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects”.

The term “art” is related to the Latin word “ars” meaning art, skill and according to the same dictionary, the very first use of the word art was in the 14th century. But if we think of its meaning it is obvious that art has always existed, since the beginning of the world.

Next time we will see what artists like Michelangelo and Auguste Rodin said about the connection between nature and art.

To view and shop my artworks you can please visit my website lucia-waterson.pixels.com

Thank you!

Lucia Waterson (34)

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld.
I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope.

I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website https://lucia-waterson.pixels.com/

I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky.

Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson

By Lucia Waterson

I write poems (exclusively in Italian). What I love in working with colours is that it's a direct language with no barriers. And I like how it brings me into my dreamworld. I'm fond in particular of nature, because in its beauty there is love and hope. I started a new series of artworks Weird but True, because many times nature can be quite bizarre! And the first one, Nature's palette, is already uploaded, you can see it in my website https://lucia-waterson.pixels.com/ I also started a new series of artworks, in which I select news from all over the world and I recount them to you through my eyes and my (he)art. We can take this ongoing journey together if you keep visiting. The first artwork is already uploaded, it's called Touching the sky. Thank you very much! Lucia Waterson


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