These are posts from across all our artists network! Look to see whose site you are going to by the name on the post 🙂
Look Up
This week’s challenge image was a photograph taken in the lobby of an upscale hotel. The photo showcased the inside of the buildings dome. To accentuate the top of the dome the ceiling was painted a rich red color. Oval windows positioned directly under the ceiling allowed daylight to flood that upper portion of the lobby’s architecture.
I wonder how many guests and more ❯
The Inside Out Photograph
The inside-out photograph
Some time ago, I asked on social media if there were any subjects people wanted me to write about. I got several suggestions and two of them stood out for me. One was in the form of a question that at first sight looked straightforward. Now, I have had straightforward questions before in my life, and they were rarely ever “straightforward” more ❯
The World Inside Challenge
I recently finished participating in a 52 week Art Challenge with the theme The World Outside. This challenge dictated that you create one new image a week using the same medium and theme the entire year. I had joined a challenge in 2022 that required a new image daily but we were permitted to use different mediums through out the year. Participants could post a photograph one day, more ❯