
Twas The Day After Christmas


Twas the day after Christmas and all through the town
People were working to take Christmas trees down.

The lights and the garland that hung all around
By noon they were all laid out on the ground.

The women were standing in lines at the store
Returning the gifts from the people next door.

While Mama returned gifts, as I took a nap
I dreamed she went mad and returned my new cap.

When in my dream state I screamed like a baby
And jumped out of bed to stop the mad lady.

On the way down the stairs I stumbled and fell
Which woke me quite rudely as I said, “What the hell?”

The sun on the door with the wreath now gone
Warmed the stairs and the floor as I looked out at the lawn.

My ears heard a screech and I sprang to my feet
As I watched a golf cart flying fast down the street.

With a little old man holding on for dear life
To a bag I suspect was full of trouble and strife.

I yelled at the man to stop the wild cart
But he didn’t stop and it soon fell apart.

Like a tornado spinning and knocking things down
The cart went to pieces when it hit an old clown.

Then all of a sudden I heard on the roof
A workman that laughed and said, “ That’s quite a big goof.”

As I step on the grass and was turning around
I saw what a mess the cart made of the clown.

He was dressed all in tatters from his head to his toes
There was a small stream of blood from his big red nose.

He wiped his face with a dirty, torn sleeve
Before saying, “Good day folks, I think I’ll just leave.”

His eyes were intent as he stared down the road
And before I knew it he had turned into a toad!

But a jump off the curb and a wink of his eye
Let me know he was good and that he would survive.

With a smile on my face as I glanced down the drive
It was my crazy mad wife that I had just spied.

My new cap in her hand and receipts in her pocket
She took all her credit and bought a new locket.

We walked up the sidewalk and into the house
The day after Christmas, just me and my spouse.

I hope all of you had a Blessed Christmas!


D fuller
12/26/2024 at 10:21 am

Super cute!

Roberta Gail BYRAM
12/26/2024 at 7:49 am

Too cute! Merry day after Christmas to you!

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