The Chef Statue – Kathy From KeppenArt




In the image featured with this post we see a small statue sitting on top of a refrigerator and in front of the upper cabinets in a kitchen. The statue is made to look like a large, jolly cook. He wears a chef’s hat, an apron in a black and white checkered pattern and large, black shoes.

The statue chef is holding what appears to be an iron skillet. Kitchen Is Closed is written on the interior of the black skillet with white chalk.

This chef statue actually sits on top of the refrigerator in our apartment. It was given to my husband as a gift for completing a program at a local café. 

I had written Kitchen Is Closed to indicate that I was not cooking one particular evening.  However, the words written in chalk were never erased. 

Normally, leaving those words on that skillet would indicate that I was retired from my domestic engineering work, on vacation or simply taking a break from cooking.

However, I have actually cooked more in the past few years than I had in all the other years prior to the appearance of that statue.

Since I am not particularly a good cook and it is not something that I enjoy, it may be time to retire from cooking.

Maybe tomorrow I will take the chef statue down from the top of the refrigerator and set him on the kitchen counter and truly “close down” our kitchen! 

Please feel free to share your kitchen or cooking stories in the comment section below.

A larger version of the featured image can be viewed here:




Forums The Chef Statue – Kathy From KeppenArt

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 July 202315:01 by kathykmcclellan.
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    In the image featured with this post we see a small statue sitting on top of a refrigerator and in front of the upper cabinets in a kitchen. The statue is made to look like a large, jolly cook. He wears a chef’s hat, an apron in a black and white checkered pattern and large, black shoes.

    The statue chef is holding what appears to be an iron skillet. Kitchen Is Closed is written on the interior of the black skillet with white chalk.

    This chef statue actually sits on top of the refrigerator in our apartment. It was given to my husband as a gift for completing a program at a local café. 

    I had written Kitchen Is Closed to indicate that I was not cooking one particular evening.  However, the words written in chalk were never erased. 

    Normally, leaving those words on that skillet would indicate that I was retired from my domestic engineering work, on vacation or simply taking a break from cooking.

    However, I have actually cooked more in the past few years than I had in all the other years prior to the appearance of that statue.

    Since I am not particularly a good cook and it is not something that I enjoy, it may be time to retire from cooking.

    Maybe tomorrow I will take the chef statue down from the top of the refrigerator and set him on the kitchen counter and truly “close down” our kitchen! 

    Please feel free to share your kitchen or cooking stories in the comment section below.

    A larger version of the featured image can be viewed here:



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