This interview first appeared on our old site 1stAngel Arts

When did you first become interested in photography, specifically?
I really became aware of my love of photography whilst backpacking after finishing university. I had begged my parents for my first digital camera as my birthday present that year, it was an old Olympus and I absolutely loved it. I still have images I captured of wildlife in South Africa displayed in my office – zebra and giraffe photographed whilst on horseback safari, a baboon running along the road at Cape Point and a lion basking under a tree.
On which style(s) of photography do you specialize?
I specialize in Equine Photography but am looking to also develop my Dog photography. Really I just love animals and photography so anything that combines the two makes me happy
I’m a total chocoholic – any chocolate in the house has to be hidden otherwise I will eat it all!

Has your style changed from when you first began?
Not really, I have always liked natural style photos.
What kind of equipment do you use?
Nikon d7100, primarily with a 50mm but also 55-200mm lens. I’m trying to decide which lens to purchase next – they are a bit addictive! I bring a Nikon d40x as a back up camera when I am out photographing. I prefer to edit with Adobe Lightroom but also use Photoshop.
What made you choose that equipment?
My father in law gave me his old Nikon d40x when he upgraded, I like Nikon so I have stuck with them.
Do you have favourite times of the days to take shots in?
Where possible I prefer to photograph in ‘the golden hour’ that time just before sunset where the sun is not too harsh and casts a lovely glow.

Are you a patient photographer, waiting for the right moment?
Haha, when working with children and animals I think you have to be patient. I can’t think of a particular shoot above the rest but trying to get a horse to put their ears forward for a photograph is a task that can sometimes require a lot of patience!
I’m a big believer in fate and I think things happen for a reason.
How often do you go out just to photograph or, do you have your camera ready at all times, even shopping?
Since developing my interest in photography I think I see the world in more detail, I see light and colour or just moments in time and often think ‘I wish I had my camera with me now’. It’s a big piece of equipment to carry with me all the time though.

Do you edit in photoshop or another programme?
I do all my own editing – predominantly in Lightroom
How much time (on average) does it take to edit a work?

What was your worse job?
When I look back at some of my initial images that I shot whilst I was a ‘hobbyist photographer’ it makes me realise how far I have come.
What was our best job?
It’s hard to pick a best job. I’m so lucky I love what I do and I always enjoy getting out photographing.
How do you know when a piece is finished? Is it easy to walk away?
It depends on the image, there are some that I would keep going back and tweaking if I let myself.

What do you do to overcome a ‘block’?
I work on something else for a bit and then come back to it the next day.
How well do you take criticism and how do you make use of it?
I want to be the best that I can and appreciate constructive criticism. I always ask my husband for a second opinion before showing clients their images.
Who is your favourite photographer?
I love Serge Ramelli, I think the colours in his images are beautiful.
Which one of your photographs is your favourite?
I have a photo I took of my own horse Coolio just after I had bathed him, he is shaking the water off like a dog and I feel it captures his character.
Have you used smartphone cameras?
Yes, although mine is not the best smart phone. I think the technology that iPhone use will open the world of photography up for a lot of people.
Have you exhibited any of your work in galleries?
No – hopefully that might be something for the future!

What are your plans for the future?
To continue developing my business.
What advice do you have for budding photographers?
Just go for it. Practice, practice, practice and watch plenty of Youtube tutorials!
Have you done any courses to help you?
No, I am self-taught.

What do you do to market your work?
I find Facebook one of the best advertising tools and also word of mouth.
I prefer to be behind a camera than in front of it
Do you enter your work in contests?
Not yet although this is on my ‘to do’ list.
Do you use social networking in your day to day life?
Facebook – Emma Barton Equine Photography
Are you available for work (commissions)?
Yes. Please contact me on my Facebook page.
Have you got hobbies?
I love horseriding, my horse Coolio takes up much of my spare time
Where are you based?
South Manchester, UK