One day in the next few months I should get the letter telling me it’s my turn for the vaccine. I’m at risk according to my medical history.
So that means I’m in tier 6. (Notice how 2020 is all down to tiers?).
I’m so torn. Many places say you won’t be able to use them unless you’re vaccinated… But I don’t use them anyway.
I’ve always trusted our NHS and never trusted any government… Now they are working together so that leaves me in limbo trustwise.
When my letter comes, do I say yes, or do I say no.
Big decision and a lot of reading to do.
I’m wondering, Abbie, if you’re turn has come and what decision you’ve made. I’m also curious if it is mandatory there.
My turn is soon I think according to the vaccine diary
I will have it as long as it is not Pfizer. I do not trust them
It is not mandatory, no. But it is in the best interests to have it.