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This is for premium member shopping widget users on http://pixels.com
You can actually choose a gallery to show when people first open the page but not just ONE gallery. The widget will always show the others in the sidebar. It will also not show all galleries.
However, if showing one gallery at first is what you need, here are the instructions
Go into the BEHIND THE SCENES | Premium Features
Set up the widget as you want it to look with colours and background
Grab the code
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://fineartamerica.com/widgetshoppingcart/widgetscripts.php’></script>
<iframe src=’https://fineartamerica.com/widgetshoppingcart/artwork.html?memberidtype=artistid&memberid=15153&domainid=0&showheader=0&height=600‘ style=’display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 820px; border: none; overflow: hidden;’></iframe>
The area I have coloured red is the page that is being shown on your site.
it is between <iframe src=’ and ‘ style
Copy that address and put it in the address bar of your browser and go to it
You will now see the unsized shop. CLICK TO VIEW
On the left, see all the galleries and choices. In this instance I wish to show my canvas prints as a first choice, so I click on Canvas Prints
I then copy THAT address which is now in the browser bar
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://fineartamerica.com/widgetshoppingcart/widgetscripts.php’></script>
<iframe src=’https://fineartamerica.com/widgetshoppingcart/artwork.html?memberidtype=artistid&memberid=15153&domainid=0&showheader=0&height=600&medium=paintings&tag=all&product=canvas+prints‘ style=’display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 820px; border: none; overflow: hidden;’></iframe>
Now paste the whole code onto your website and it will open at the canvas prints (or whatever you have chosen)
Hope that helps
Brilliant , works well. Thank You for the easy to follow explanation
You’re very welcome!