Just a Day From Facebook

I am going to start this post with a huge sigh.  For the first time it will not be shared to FB unless someone else does it for me.  I cannot do it as my account was closed a whole day ago.  I hasten to say that I did not delete it due to the security and privacy fiasco.  I do not think I was too surprised when all that came out into the open.  No, I have removed myself from temptation (as the saying goes).  I mean, I was addicted (am addicted).  Yes, my name is Isabella and I am an addict.

When I was a smoker, I used to wake up and immediately go to the fag (cigarettes for all your none Brits) box and light up.  40 lights later and I went to bed, turning over to put out the lamp and the cigarette at the same time.

I gave up smoking when I moved back up north as my new fella didn’t smoke.  That is a whole different story! I gave up cold turkey and just assumed I could do the same for the addiction that took over after them, Facebook.

I am one of those who shared my images of coffee when in a cafe, cake when at the nursery…. the sea, the new car, the animals I saw.  I got involved in politics, (I hate), religion, (I am not), peoples lives and loves.  I cried when my online friends lost loved ones without ever having met the loved one.  I spent hours picking out good videos to share on my page, and to get the best Meme’s seen.  I shared my illnesses, the deaths of my brother and mother.  I argued, cussed, laughed and really enjoyed my time on that social media site.  I called it networking….’I cannot come out yet….I am networking’

I made the excuse to myself that I was networking for my business, to sell my art, but I didn’t actually do any real marketing there.  I spend hours a day telling other people how to market and yet did not really admit to myself that I was just playing.  I was taking time out.

So.  Yesterday I decided to quit.  Cold turkey.  I removed my pages that were not important, got rid of the groups I ran… even deleted the apps I had built, got downloads from everywhere (my word I had put up a lot on that site!!!!) and finally… closed my account.

I woke up this morning and immediately picked up my phone to check in, only to remember (with a sinking heart) that I had no apps there to catch up with.  I got up and had breakfast then, totally lost at what to do, I went out.

I have had an awesome day today!  Saw family, did some outside chores I needed to do, worked on my sites, wrote this post on a site that kept not getting time spent on it, AND I finally opened the Etsy store I have been thinking about for a year or two! YoursByShores Etsy Store

I am not sure what I am doing tomorrow….. or even how I will get through an evening without my ‘friends’, but if I can get this much done in one day without constantly checking in to a social media, who knows what I will achieve for the rest of the week!

Wish me luck!


Abbie (232)

Manager + on large art site Pixels.com Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours.

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own. Personal site is at https://abbie-shores.com

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