Sarah was known around town as the girl with the infectious smile. She was always kind, always helpful, and always had a positive word to say. But what many people didn’t know was that behind that smile was a deep sadness that seemed to never go away.

Sarah had been struggling with suicidal thoughts for as long as she could remember. It was a constant battle that she fought every single day. But despite the overwhelming urge to give up, there was one thing that kept her going – her love for her family and friends.

Sarah couldn’t bear the thought of letting them down. They were her rock, her reason for carrying on. So even though she felt like she was drowning on the inside, she put on a brave face and went through the motions of everyday life. She worked hard at her job, she socialised with her friends, and she even managed to crack a joke or two every now and then.

But deep down, Sarah was struggling. The weight of her own thoughts was crushing her, and she longed for a way out. But every time she thought about ending it all, she couldn’t bear the thought of the pain it would cause her loved ones. And so, she soldiered on, carrying the heavy burden of her own mind on her shoulders.

One day, as Sarah sat alone in her room, the tears finally came. The floodgates opened, and all the pent-up emotions came pouring out. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of sadness, with no way out. But as she cried, she thought of her family and friends, and the thought of hurting them kept her from taking that final step.

And so, Sarah continued to smile, continued to work, and continued to carry on – all for the sake of those who held her heart in their hands. And though she may never fully escape the darkness that lurked within her, she found solace in the love that surrounded her, and the knowledge that she was not alone in her struggles.

Abbie (1)

Manager + on large art site Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours.

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own. Personal site is at

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