
Less Is More

The challenge image that I posted this week was taken in the morning after a winter storm a few weeks ago. There are only a few items in the photograph but it seems that there is actually as much or more to see or wonder about than many photographs that are full of detail.

One of my fellow Fine Art America members commented about the footprints in the snow that are barely visible in the background. She was intrigued wondering who those footprints belonged to and what was that person doing walking in that snow. Where were they going?

It turns out that in this particular case, less is more. Would my fellow photographer have noticed those footprints if there had been more detail in the image? Would the photograph have been as thought provoking?

Thinking about this made me wonder how much we might miss in life when our lives are so full and busy that there’s no time to really stop, look and wonder about what is right in front of us.

The popular Tiny House movement is about downsizing. Downsizing and de-cluttering systems are about living a simpler life. A life with less “stuff”, less rushing around and less stress.

Would you find it less stressful to live by the motto Less Is More?

Would having less material items help you to lead a more relaxed life?

Would having more time to spend with family, friends or in nature lead you to a less stressful life?

Would living with less bring you more?

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Click here  to view a larger version of today’s featured image and to look around at other images on my site. Thanks!

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