
Maybe Everything Has Beauty

Confucius said, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

What a lovely quote. 

I used that quote on a photograph of a crab.  Cute.  That image even won first place recently in a Fine Art America contest.

In the description of the image I asked the following questions:

Everything has beauty. Does it? What is it about this crab that has beauty?
What about life around us? How often do we really see the beauty in everything?

I wrote that description and asked those questions as an inspiration to see more beauty in the everyday world around us.  Noble intent. 

But, really – does everything have beauty?

Is beauty, like art, in the eye of the beholder?

What about garbage?  Does it have beauty?

What about clutter? Does it have beauty?

What about war?  Does it have beauty?

Everything has beauty…

Inspiration, true statement or motivational quote?

Food for thought.




04/08/2022 at 2:39 pm

A thought provoking posts. I’m sure that to another crab and crab is a very beautiful thing. The axiom “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is likely very true. Thanks for making me think!

04/07/2022 at 7:32 pm

I think that is a true statement. There are a very few things I don’t think of as having beauty. But some other person or some other “thing” (animal, insect, etc) may think it does. I have taken maybe thousands of pictures within my own yard and still find beautiful things every time I look. Put me out on a random back road and I can spend the rest of the day taking phots of nature. Beauty is everywhere.

    04/08/2022 at 5:00 am

    Thanks for visiting and commenting Melvin.

    I saw beauty in the midst of chaos and filth after Katrina but I didn’t see beauty in everything. The chaos and filth was not beautiful at all in my eyes or mind.

    *What a gift! To be able to see beauty in everything.

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