
Ambitious Or Crazy

I have been asking myself if I am being ambitious or if I’m crazy.  Not only am I participating in a 365 day Personal Art Challenge but I also signed up for a seven day with a specific theme!  That’s two new creations with descriptions and keywords each day.  While in these challenges I am also trying to keep our apartment clean, buy groceries, cook and clean up the kitchen each day, add Writing Skill subjects to Our Arts Magazine, write a weekly blog, take care of a Chihuahua, take care of a time consuming dental health issue, and generally take care of myself. 

I very much admire those artists who are not only participating in both of these challenges but also working full time, taking care of small children or sick family members or all of those things!

For years I have heard retired people joke that they don’t know how they had time to work.  Since I am retired and not “working” that describes how I have been feeling. 

Then I remember:  My artwork IS my work.  It is not supporting me financially right now but it IS supporting me emotionally.  It is my lifeline during the depressingly cold, dark season that I am experiencing.

Do you have a lifeline for dark seasons in your life?

Is your lifeline a physical one such as working out at the gym or with home exercise equipment, hiking or running?

Do you have a creative lifeline in your life such as writing, drawing , painting or creating digital images?

Please feel free to share the story of your lifeline in the comment section if you have one just as I have in this blog.

Lastly, thank you to each of you who took time from your busy schedule to read this post.


01/13/2022 at 6:09 pm

Certainly not crazy. As you stated, your (wonderful) artwork is your emotional stability. The fact that you can acknowledge that means you are certainly not crazy.

My “lifeline” is my wife of nearly 48 years, my photography and our ability to travel a couple times a year. I did do the 7-Day Kitchen Challenge. I “almost” signed up for the 365-Day Challenge but opted instead to do a blog post-a-day-for-a-year “personal” challenge.

It appears it will be a (very) busy year for both of us. Best of luck to you, Kathy

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