
Pet Peeves II

Part Two

In my previous blog post I introduced the subject of Pet Peeves.  As a brief reminder a common definition is:

A frequent or common subject of complaint or annoyance.

I also stated that when doing research I found many web sites dedicated to listing the pet peeves that are most common.

In reading over the lists on those sites I found many of those issues to be some of my own pet peeves.  Many issues were a matter of consideration or lack of consideration towards others.  Quite a few were noise issues. Those were the pet peeves that were most likely on my own personal list.

Here are only a few pet peeves that were on every list that I saw:

1)  Noisy eating and drinking (chewing with an open mouth, lip smacking, slurping, etc.).

2)  Not covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing.

3)  Interrupting another person.

4)  Talking on or looking at a phone at inappropriate times (talking on the phone in public or looking at the phone when someone is talking to you).

5)  Slow internet. Slow walkers.  Slow drivers. Slow Cashiers.

6)  Hearing people say Eh, Like, or You Know repeatedly in their conversation.

7)  Chronic lateness.

How many of these seven common pet peeves are also on your own list of pet peeves?

Is your most annoying pet peeve on the list above?

Do you have a long list of pet peeves or only a few?

I admit that all seven of those common pet peeves listed above are also my pet peeves but not necessarily in the same order.

If this post gets much longer,  then typing and reading the words pet peeves might have to be added to my list of … eh, well, like, you know, pet peeves!


12/09/2021 at 3:14 am

That’s CHECK on six out of seven, Abbie!

12/07/2021 at 2:56 pm

1) Noisy eating and drinking (chewing with an open mouth, lip smacking, slurping, etc.). CHECK

2) Not covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing. CHECK

3) Interrupting another person. CHECK

4) Talking on or looking at a phone at inappropriate times (talking on the phone in public or looking at the phone when someone is talking to you).. CHECK

5) Slow internet. Slow walkers. Slow drivers. Slow Cashiers —–Nah this does not bother me as it forces me to slow down and that is not a bad thing

6) Hearing people say Eh, Like, or You Know repeatedly in their conversation.. CHECK

7) Chronic lateness. CHECK Especially this one

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