Overthinking The Blog
One of my friends recently wrote two books in an incredibly short amount of time then started writing the third book in the series. After starting work on the third book she was suddenly struck by that dreaded “writer’s block”. I have no doubt that her muse will knock that block out of the park and she will once again be hard at work finishing the series.
Normally, once I decide on a subject or image to write about for my weekly blog posts I don’t have any “blocks” to delay the writing. It’s more likely that the subject or image for that week’s post is blocked by overthinking.
For example, after taking several photographs of a recent gift of candy there were actually two images that were processed and considered for my weekly art challenge project. One of those images was uploaded on the Fine Art America site and posted in the appropriate forum thread to be eligible for this week’s image.
At the time of posting that challenge image I thought that I might use the second processed photograph for this week’s blog post.
Until I scrolled through social media!
Both photographs that were processed were pictures of chocolate candy. My social media feed the next morning was littered with posts about chocolate! Maybe that will be my subject for the same week’s blog entry.
But wait.
When I was ready to share my media art page image to my personal page and a group page I saw that the image was about Prayer and that today was the World Day Of Prayer. Maybe prayer will be my subject for this week’s blog entry.
And now I’m overthinking.
My mind was racing through the words I could use, the paragraphs I could write and the points I could make about the image of chocolate candy. I could even tie it all together with the “co-incidence” of all the social media posts about chocolate.
However, if I decide on words that I could put together in paragraphs to talk about prayer I could tie it into the World Day Of Prayer and use the same photograph that I posted on social media for that day’s featured image.
Other subjects quickly raced through my mind as I thought of the time change that would take place this week end (in the US). I have several photographs and digital images that I could use for that subject. That thought produced more decisions concerning which image would I feature.
There were too many subjects to write about! Too many decisions concerning not only the subject but consequently the image to feature.
Crazy weather this time of year, seasonal allergies from pollen, bird migrations, and other blog subjects splashes around in my mind like an angry sea with waves rocking and rolling and crashing into each other. Possible featured images for those subjects collided in my mind like a car race pileup!
Suddenly my muse SCREAMED through the chaos in my brain:
“Overthinking The Blog – Write about that!”
So that’s exactly what I did and what you have read for this week’s blog entry.
After reading through all of this, you can view a larger version of today’s featured image by clicking on this link.
Meanwhile, I’ll be overthinking what subject to photograph for next week’s challenge image, what subject to write about for the next blog post, what to cook for dinner………….
If you haven’t gotten lost in all my overthinking yet click here.
Peace…be still…
Thanks Roberta!
I overthink everything and, therefore, tend to make my writing way too long. There are so many facts or funnies I want to include and so many tangents I want to go down that I take a two-sentence thought and turn it into a 5-page document. When I worked at Nashville Mills, the plant manager told me that, the way I write, I should work for the IRS (as in their documentation department). 🙂
“…….I should work for the IRS (as in their documentation department).” LOL!
I tend to do that same long winded writing. Actually, I’ve been told I’m long winded period – that I talk too much!
Excuse me – that’s because I’m overthinking as I’m talking and my mouth seems to follow my mind in going on and on and on……. HH
Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!