
Software Revelation

Two weeks ago I wrote about purchasing and using new photographic software. At that time I used a few commands in the new software that I had used in the older version so I didn’t use any new commands or learn anything new.

Earlier this week I worked on this week’s challenge image and thought that I would try something I had never done before. The image showed the cards of a Royal Flush in poker but the cards were not in numerical value order. I wanted to change that and put the cards in order from highest to lowest value.

I started by using some of the commands that I had used before, adding new layers, selecting, picking and moving the individual cards.

Nothing worked to move the cards where I wanted them without covering up the cards that were already in that corresponding position and making it impossible to move the previous cards.

I kept trying new ways of using those previously used commands but it wasn’t working.

It turned out that I was making the entire process more complicated than it needed to be!

When I successfully moved the first card where I wanted it and could still move the card it was replacing I realized that to accomplish that I had used commands that I had used before and (this was the trick) I used them in a way that I had used them before.

Nothing new. No new commands or ways of using them. Same old, same old!

How often do we do the same thing in life?

How often do we think that to do something new we must forget everything we already know how to do?

How often do we make life more complicated than it needs to be?

Many years ago I used to sign my emails with the following statement:

All I want is a simple life, but life is not simple.

I actually said that out loud this past week!

Maybe life would be more simple if we stopped making things more complicated than they need to be.

Do you find yourself making your life more complicated than it needs to be?

Be sure and share your experiences with this issue in the comment section.

Click here to view a larger version of today’s featured image and to browse many other images on my site.

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