
Do You Wonder?

Do you wonder who lives in that blue house? 

Or the RV parked in the Mobile Home Park?

Do you pass by any building without a visible sign or purpose and wonder what goes on inside that structure?

Not that long ago we were passing through Eufaula, Alabama, a town that is full of gorgeous architecture. 

A metal sided commercial building caught my eye as we sat at a red light and I snapped a photograph of the second story.

The building was a simple rectangular shape without any distinguishing features.

The lone window in the second story fascinated me.  A window air conditioner hung out of the left side of the aluminum framed window.

Simple mini blinds were lowered to cover the entire window, as a shield from the afternoon heat.

There, between the glass and the blinds sat two succulent plants looking healthy and happy to be soaking up the sunshine.

I wondered if that window belonged to an upstairs office or apartment.

Did someone live there or was it a place of employment?

If it was an apartment, was it occupied by the building’s owner, the owner’s employee or someone that wasn’t at all related to the downstairs business?

The window was not giving me any clue as to the purpose of that second story. 

The light changed, we went on our way and stopped a few blocks later at another traffic light.  My mind was now on other buildings that surrounded us.

I forgot about that mysterious second story window until I downloaded photographs from my camera to my computer.

My curious mind, once again, wondered about that second story.  

Unless I visit Eufaula, Alabama and inquire about that particular building I can only wonder what transpires behind those simple, light blocking blinds.

Comments are always welcome and encouraged.

You can view a full size image like the one above by clicking here.


01/02/2023 at 2:35 pm

Thanks Shelli for visiting and commenting. Curious minds think alike!

01/01/2023 at 10:26 pm

Cool post Kathy! I found myself wondering the same kind of things when we recently visited Guthrie Oklahoma and the historic downtown district. Not only who lives in the upstairs apartments of old buildings now, but also who used to live there when the building was new and what their lives might have been like back then in the 1880s. we can only imagine…

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