Thankful Thursday
Back in January I posted a photograph for Day 27 of the 365 Day Art Challenge and titled it Thankful Thursday. I decided to use at least part of the description for my blog post today which is another Thursday.
The description for the image included these statements:
“On this Thursday I am thankful that I can see and that God has shown me, and continues to show me, the beauty all around me.
Even in winter when the deciduous trees are barren and bland, a colorful sunset can provide a gorgeous background making the bare branches appear as natural sculptures. Even the softest of pinks mixed in with the blue and white of the evening sky will accent the silhouette of the trees’ forms.”
Once again on this Thursday I am still thankful for the beauty I see in nature and also the fact that I can physically see that beauty.
I am also thankful for those of you who read, comment and support my blog posts, today and every week.
Thank you to each of you.
What are you thankful for today?
Is there anything in particular that you are thankful for?
My three particulars or “biggies” are being thankful that I can walk and see and breathe!
What are the things that you are most thankful for (your “biggies”)?
You can see the full size image and read the entire description for today’s featured image here.