
You Never Know

Have you ever been told or heard the saying that you never know how your actions/words/art may affect someone else? 

Part of that saying is true.  Part of it is not.

Never is the part that is not true because sometimes we do find out how our actions, words or art has affected someone else.

Comments on my photography and blogs are examples of finding out how my online images and words affect others. Those comments  often tell me how people have been moved with memories or emotions when reading or viewing my work.

Recently, I have received several comments on one of my former blogs about a church that I had photographed and made the subject of a blog post.  Interestingly enough, one comment on that blog was made a year after the blog was posted and a couple of weeks after I had revisited that area and photographed several more old churches on the same highway.

Last week I uploaded an image for the 365 Art Challenge in which I am participating and a friend commented about a family memory they had about that particular building.

Other comments have informed me of memories that my blogs or images have induced that are not even about the actual place or image, but those particular images or words invoked an emotion that touched on their memory.

My hope is that what I post online (as well as what I do and say in person) will affect people in a kind, positive way. 

I realize that I have not always been the kindness person or even a positive one and that none of us are 100% of the time. 

But as long as there is breath there is hope.

Hope seems to be the subject of many of my blogs.  

I hope you don’t mind! 

All church images can be found in my Architecture Collection here

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