
After The Party

As I write this post, a large majority of my images posted on KeppenArt this month are about the weather.  Since many of us are already tired of wet, icy or just plain freezing weather I decided to share the first image of 2022 and the first of my Journal 2022 images for those of you who may have missed it or the description when I first posted the image.

Fashion accessories are seen dropped on a mirror,
After the party,
Well past midnight on New Year’s Eve.

After the party,
After the food, fun and fellowship,
After the cleanup,
Well past midnight on New Year’s Eve.

The mirror is reflecting the scarf, festive bow earrings and diamond bracelet worn earlier in the evening, much like the wearer reflected on the events and activities of the past year.

A few events sparkled with excitement. A few activities lost that bling that a passion for life brings about.

A mirror reflecting real life,
After the party,
Well past midnight on New Year’s Eve.


Roberta Byram
01/20/2022 at 6:25 pm


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