Writing Skills Task #1375

Forums Muse & Mingle Club – OAM Creative Currents Writing Skills Task #1375

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 August 202100:12 by kathykmcclellan.
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  • #45628 Reply
    136 Topics6 joined in 142 Total
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    For all of you who love to write but get brain dead days…. Here is;

    TASK 1375

    The Perfect Fit

    Try and get to a word count of 100 or more if you can.

    Share the link of your blog, or website and show us what you are doing. We would love to see!

    But most of all, have fun!

    [table id=registerpost /]
    https://ourartsmagazine.com/blog/2021/08/02/writing-skills-task-1375/ — Post Permalink

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