we all have inner struggles of some kind. Here is mine… – The Art of Shelli Fitzpatrick



example of modern digital abstract art
Click to buy a print of this artwork.

There is a very real struggle that goes on in the life of a visual artist. That struggle is between creating and promoting. For instance, I know that if I want to sell my art I need a promoter and since I can’t pay someone to do it for me then I must be my own promoter. And in the world of online art sales one of the most touted ways to do that is to blog about your art and life as an artist.

Here is where the struggle comes in. Many visual artists are introverts who have a hard time writing about anything and especially their own art and life.

We generally don’t want to draw attention to ourselves and will avoid having the spotlight. However if we ever intend to sell any art we must get it out there in front of potential buyers and collectors.

Ah, the struggle is real, especially for me personally. So with this post I just wanted to put that out there for the reader in the hopes that you will have patience with artists like me who go long periods of time without a new blog or social media post.

shelli fitzpatrick


shelli fitzpatrick (10)

Indie Artist from Oklahoma.

Forums we all have inner struggles of some kind. Here is mine… – The Art of Shelli Fitzpatrick

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 May 202301:46 by shelli fitzpatrick.
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  • #45457 Reply
    shelli fitzpatrick
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    example of modern digital abstract art
    Click to buy a print of this artwork.

    There is a very real struggle that goes on in the life of a visual artist. That struggle is between creating and promoting. For instance, I know that if I want to sell my art I need a promoter and since I can’t pay someone to do it for me then I must be my own promoter. And in the world of online art sales one of the most touted ways to do that is to blog about your art and life as an artist.

    Here is where the struggle comes in. Many visual artists are introverts who have a hard time writing about anything and especially their own art and life.

    We generally don’t want to draw attention to ourselves and will avoid having the spotlight. However if we ever intend to sell any art we must get it out there in front of potential buyers and collectors.

    Ah, the struggle is real, especially for me personally. So with this post I just wanted to put that out there for the reader in the hopes that you will have patience with artists like me who go long periods of time without a new blog or social media post.

    shelli fitzpatrick

    https://ourartsmagazine.com/blog/2023/05/16/the-struggle-we-all-have-inner-struggles-of-some-kind-here-is-mine/ — Post Permalink

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