Making Your Home A Haven: Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution For 2023 Through Decorating


Are you looking for ways to create your dream home in 2023? Achieving this goal may seem daunting, but it can be achieved through thoughtful decorating and careful planning. In this blog post, we’ll discuss setting achievable goals, leveraging decorating to create a haven in your own home and tips on making it happen. With the right resources and determination, you can turn your house into a haven of relaxation and serenity at the start of the New Year.

As we dive further into the new year, many of us are tempted to set resolutions for ourselves with the intention of achieving a better life. Among these New Year’s resolutions, making our home a haven is often high on the list. But how do we make this dream achievable? Decorating your home can be part of an effective approach that can help you accomplish your New Year’s resolutions in 2023 and beyond. In this blog post, we will provide insight on how to use decorating as a way of creating your perfect sanctuary at home.

Setting Achievable Goals

Achieving your New Year's resolution to make your home a haven can be daunting. The first step should be to set achievable goals and plan ahead on how you will go about achieving it. Outline what sort of items you are looking for and the budget you have allocated for them. Break big projects into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be worked on individually over a period of time. Set realistic deadlines for yourself so that each task is completed and keep yourself motivated by taking breaks when necessary. This will help ensure that your home is well decorated by the end of 2023, making it the perfect sanctuary for you!

Ways To Utilize Decorating To Create A Haven

Creating a haven inside your home can be achieved through carefully thought out decorating. Start by purchasing pieces that bring you joy and make your space feel like a place that you want to come home to. Hang up some art that speaks to you, bringing in cozy furniture like blankets and pillows, adding plants or flowers for life and texture, diffuse essential oils with relaxing scents, and rearrange the layout of the room if necessary. Utilizing these tips along with any other personal touches will help transform your living space into a true haven.

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Tips For Making It Happen

Making your home a haven can seem like an overwhelming endeavor, but with these tips for making it happen, you'll be one step closer to achieving your New Year's resolution for 2023. Start by writing down the goals that you have in mind and breaking them down into manageable steps. Make sure to keep up with the progress of each goal by jotting down notes or marking off tasks as you go. Identify areas of your home where improvements can be made, such as furniture pieces that need replacing or rooms that need painting. When shopping for new pieces, look for items that match the style of your home and complement existing decor. Finally, find ways to bring unique elements into your haven through colorful art or personal accessories to make it feel like a true escape from the outside world. With a little commitment and savvy design decisions, you can finally make your dreams of having a cozy home sanctuary come true!

100% Kona Coffee


In conclusion, making your home a haven is not a difficult task. By incorporating simple changes such as adding some comfortable pieces of furniture, creating ambience with lighting, and selecting meaningful decorations, you can easily make your home feel like a refuge. Investing in these improvements can also be beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Making this New Year's resolution will bring you closer to joy in 2023.

Happy New year!!!

Abbie (224)

Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours. Manager + on large art site

Married to Robin another artist and sculptor. We live with two Shepweiler's, two demented budgies and 3 fish

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own.

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    Are you looking for ways to create your dream home in 2023? Achieving this goal may seem daunting, but it can be achieved through thoughtful decorating and careful planning. In this blog post, we’ll discuss setting achievable goals, leveraging decorating to create a haven in your own home and tips on making it happen. With the right resources and determination, you can turn your house into a haven of relaxation and serenity at the start of the New Year.

    As we dive further into the new year, many of us are tempted to set resolutions for ourselves with the intention of achieving a better life. Among these New Year’s resolutions, making our home a haven is often high on the list. But how do we make this dream achievable? Decorating your home can be part of an effective approach that can help you accomplish your New Year’s resolutions in 2023 and beyond. In this blog post, we will provide insight on how to use decorating as a way of creating your perfect sanctuary at home.

    Setting Achievable Goals

    Achieving your New Year's resolution to make your home a haven can be daunting. The first step should be to set achievable goals and plan ahead on how you will go about achieving it. Outline what sort of items you are looking for and the budget you have allocated for them. Break big projects into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be worked on individually over a period of time. Set realistic deadlines for yourself so that each task is completed and keep yourself motivated by taking breaks when necessary. This will help ensure that your home is well decorated by the end of 2023, making it the perfect sanctuary for you!

    Ways To Utilize Decorating To Create A Haven

    Creating a haven inside your home can be achieved through carefully thought out decorating. Start by purchasing pieces that bring you joy and make your space feel like a place that you want to come home to. Hang up some art that speaks to you, bringing in cozy furniture like blankets and pillows, adding plants or flowers for life and texture, diffuse essential oils with relaxing scents, and rearrange the layout of the room if necessary. Utilizing these tips along with any other personal touches will help transform your living space into a true haven.

    25Home Christmas&New Year Sale: Enjoy Up To 45% off with code "NEW10"


    Tips For Making It Happen

    Making your home a haven can seem like an overwhelming endeavor, but with these tips for making it happen, you'll be one step closer to achieving your New Year's resolution for 2023. Start by writing down the goals that you have in mind and breaking them down into manageable steps. Make sure to keep up with the progress of each goal by jotting down notes or marking off tasks as you go. Identify areas of your home where improvements can be made, such as furniture pieces that need replacing or rooms that need painting. When shopping for new pieces, look for items that match the style of your home and complement existing decor. Finally, find ways to bring unique elements into your haven through colorful art or personal accessories to make it feel like a true escape from the outside world. With a little commitment and savvy design decisions, you can finally make your dreams of having a cozy home sanctuary come true!

    100% Kona Coffee


    In conclusion, making your home a haven is not a difficult task. By incorporating simple changes such as adding some comfortable pieces of furniture, creating ambience with lighting, and selecting meaningful decorations, you can easily make your home feel like a refuge. Investing in these improvements can also be beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Making this New Year's resolution will bring you closer to joy in 2023.

    Happy New year!!! — Post Permalink

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