Getting To Know Gabriel Forgottenangel
Gabriel Forgottenangel
When did you first become interested in art?
As I can remember, it was in quite early age, lets say about 6-7 y.o. I did my first medieval shields from paper. Later it was ( second wave) when I was about 30. I’ve started to do graphic design, including company’s logos, business cards and first creations.
2. What style of art do you use most?
I’m using 3D modelling, compositing sceneries, rendering and result is rendered work. Its not finished of course. There is lot of post-works, include hand painting, brushing, adjusting, balancing, creating effects, etc.
3. Has your style changed from when you first began as an artist?
People saying me that change was 100%. Lets say, from works which were childish up to works which are highly saleable. ( today)
4. What medium do you use?
Digital and all printed works with various modifications. Basically, project is creating with 3D modelling and next is transferred to DAZ studio or any other similar. After building scene is transferred to Bryce where is main adjusting, creating effects, lighting ( inner lighting) and when everything is finished, render is starting. Render is usually the most time consuming part. After render work isn’t finished. There is lot of post-works, adjusting, brushing, additional effect creating etc. Finished work is digital file. But, of course, can be printed and finished with various modifications.
5. What made you choose that medium?
Popularity and easy to reach it even to reach asked technical level ( software), can be long and winding way.
6. Do your ideas come from life or imagination?
Both. I’m fantasy type but today’s world is pushing me to be still more close to reality. Better said – I’ve started like pure fantasy author. But what is happing in the world even close to me is affecting me, especially like Christian. There is no needed to remember scenes in accordance to migration, wars and lot of other aspects. All those things are pushing me close or directly to the real world. Its paradox. Authors creating fantasy works and living in their” fantasy world” are trying to escape from reality. But this reality is so…touchable..that they have no chance to escape more. And this fact is pushing them to the real world. My problem is, that in real world I can see minimal ” nice things “, which can cause even depression. So even I’m creating work which is fantasy one, inside are elements of the real world. In some of my images is clearly visible what is on my mind.
7. How do you choose your images and colours?
Part is imagination and part from real life. I can see something eye-catching and I’m thinking like to transfer it to my digital world.
8. Do you work in a studio? Tell us something about it, photo if possible but not necessary
I’m working in ” home studio” with my computers, but of course, I’m working for large number of companies and from this reason my studio is there.
9. Who is your favourite artist?
Really hard to say. There are lot of authors and their works I like. But nobody is really my favorite No.1.
10. What is your favourite piece of work by yourself?
Its The Ring or Last Shadow Of Time, for instance. Ring is pure fantasy and I’m coming back to Tolkien. Last Shadow Of The Time is something like warning together with sign, that is almost too late for such a kind of warning. I must say that during creating it I had both feelings. Hope and hopeless. There is another work ” Soldier Of The God” which is expression of my inner me. Sometimes, when all acting and good will were spent its time to raise sword. Like last possibility.
11. How much time (on average) does it take to complete a work?
Visual work can be finished in 1 day ( especially in companies with really powerful computers. In my Home Studio its taking between 4 days up to 2 weeks including post works and effects. The most time-consuming activity is render. Some renders took more than 2 weeks non-stop.
12. How well do you take criticism?
Very well! Criticism is one of the main conditions of evolution and further progress.
12. What do you do to overcome a ‘block’?
I don’t have…”blocks”. My brain is non-stop full of ideas. I have problem with time only. ( Day should have at least 48 hours)
13. How do you know something is ‘finished’? Is it easy to walk away?
Some images yes – next day Ill take look on it and I can say, yes, its done. Some of them no and Im doing various additional works.
14. Have you had exhibits in galleries? (details if possible)
Yes. Virtual and static as well. I had exhibitions in Ikaria and Tepmlum Digital, which are Anglo-Spain magazines. It has really big success. Many times more, but it was about 1-2 works only cos of insufficient space ( lot of authors).
15. Have you any exhibits in galleries planned for the future? (details if possible)
Just now I’m after my moving to Netherlands. So no. When everything will be finished, Ill start again.
16. What are you currently working on?
On 3 visual works. Two of them are medieval ones and one is pure fantasy on mermaid theme. Other works are my contractual orders from companies and I’m not allowed to provide more details. I can say only its graphic design and illustrations to the books, one magazine and one movie poster.
17. What are your plans for the future?
To continue like member of company. Times are harder and harder and I want to risk still less and less. Just now I’m looking for graphic company in Netherlands.
18. What was the best advice given to you as an artist?
” Don’t stop”
19. What advice would you give new artists?
If you can feel it, do it. Success isn’t immediately. I think talent can be even 10%, the rest is hard work. Those ones with talent on the level 90% are genius and there isn’t too much of them.
20. Have you done any courses to help you?
Of course maybe hundreds of them. And schools as well ( university). In accordance to DAZ Studio, Poser, Bryce, Carrara, Photoshop..etc ..was done many courses. Some of them online but I’m not counting them. Those courses ( some of them are under coverage of universities, it means are leading to diploma) were in many countries, mainly England, France and Germany.
21. What do you do to market your work?
Lets say, I’m using classic tools, but I know I must do improvement.
22. Do you use social networking in your day to day life? (If so please add a couple of your addresses for people to follow you on)
Of course yes. And really lot of.
23. Are you available for work (commissions)?
Yes. I am.
24. Have you got hobbies?
Yes, I do. History, computers, IT works, Android systems, my sword…lot of. Problem is that I don’t have time for them. So I’m doing only Android systems ( because my phone is android…so I did rooting and I’ve installed my own custom ROM and Kernel..just now I’m doing few applications which should be compatible even with iPhone) Computers..yes, this is my world. Together with graphic works is needed to do everything in acc. to computers. Computers from shop are weak. Its needed to adjust them, do lot of tweaks and of course problems connected with above mentioned. Few months ago I had personal competition with professional IT…I won on DISM. It was really sweet. And movies..I really like good movies. But because I’m sleeping in front of screen very quickly, always its like serial.
25. Where are you based?
Just now I’m in my “End Station” – Amsterdam in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
First published and brought over from Talk the Talk on 1stAngel, the site we unfortunately lost.