Mushrooms in red wine with egg – Vegetarian

Omg just had my favourite lunch….. Ever. Mushrooms and garlic cooked in tarragon and red wine, with a cooked egg and nutmeg.

I have shared this recipe before on Facebook and have seen others around the place. As I’m using this blog only now, here again is my take on it.

You need

Mushrooms (I use a whole punnet on 2 of us)
Garlic cloves.. as many as you can handle. I use 3
Tarragon (TSP)
Nutmeg (1/2 TSP)
Grated cheese (about a handful… Yours not his)
Cherry tomatoes on the vine (coz it looks posh)
Virgin olive oil.. Not that tramp oil that’s been around the block a few times

2 frying pans, or a wok and frying pan

Peel and break apart the mushrooms into nice size pieces

Slice the garlic

Add to pan of hot olive oil

Sprinkle with the tarragon

Cook on high heat

Put the kitchen fan on

Take a drink of red wine, then pour in a good dollop.

Take another drink… Glass not needed

Put on med-high simmer

In the meantime, fry your cherry tomatoes still on the vine in the frying pan. Place on a small plate when done


Break 4 eggs and whisk in nutmeg

Turn on grill to high

Pour eggs into frying pan you just cooked the tomatoes in

Cook bum of egg … Don’t turn or stir

Sprinkle with grated cheese when bum done

Place frying pan under grill

When cheese melts and egg finished cooking, serve with the mushrooms and pop the tomatoes on top!!


Please comment on this blog post if you make it, or would like me to make more recipes from my kitchen……..

Abbie (232)

Manager + on large art site Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours.

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own. Personal site is at

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