New Premium Websites on

The BRAND NEW premium Websites have arrived over on If you were unsure about upgrading on that site before, I know you will absolutely think about it seriously now!

Here is the membership plan page

Just login to your existing premium site and then look for the option at the top of your “Behind the Scenes” page that says Version #1 / Version #2.

Change it to Version #2, and you’ll be using the new sites. You can change back to Version #1 at any time, if you want to, for around 3-4 months, and then all sites will be using the new version as we will remove the choice drop down. This will give you time to help us iron out any kinks

Here is an example of the new format:

and another

Please share your links after you have had a play and let us see how beautiful they look.

Here is a short list of what is so cool about the premium sites that some of you may not yet have realised:

1. The new websites are fully “responsive”. This means that they will display perfectly on iPads, iPhones, etc. If you shrink the size of your browser window on your laptop, you’ll see the websites change their layouts as you resize the window.

2. The search engine has not changed at all and is identical to the search engine on FAA. You can search based on keywords, titles, artist names, or combinations of all three. You can search within your galleries, as well. You can also filter you search results based on size, shape, medium, colors, and more. However, of course, this is YOUR search engine and you do not share it with thousands of other artists.

3. The websites can still process payments in multiple currencies (e.g. British Pounds, Euros, etc.) and display measurements in inches or centimeters. The appropriate currency and measurements are selected automatically based on the user’s location in the world – but the user can change them, if they wants to, down in the footer.

4. You can use your own domain name! If you don’t like, you can go out and buy any domain name of your choice and then use that name for the site through Cloudflare. Check out my site:

5. When a buyer places an order, the credit card will display the URL of your website on the credit card statement. If your website is john-smith.pixels, then the buyer will see JOHN-SMITH.PIXELS.COM on his credit card statement. If your website is, then the buyer will see JOHNSMITHPRINTS.COM on his credit card statement.

You can choose your slideshow slides, you can change the order of the homepage and you can get a wonderful, streamlined site that has been proven time and again to our marketing team to sell images.

If you are unsure about creating your own slides, use the ones Sean has created for you. Or use a site like to create your own style!

Here’s what’s important, for now:

These websites are designed to be selling machines. The goal is to get your buyer onto your site through your own marketing efforts… and as soon as he/she clicks on one of your images… the buyer is looking at something to buy.

There are lots and lots and lots of websites out there that can help you “showcase” your images (e.g. WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, SmugMug, etc.) Showcasing images is fun… selling them is much more fun. Plus, when you make a sale on your premium website, it moves you higher in the FAA search results, as well.

You’ve got the full power of FAA packed into your own website.

Give it a try, and let me know if you have any questions.

Do not forget to share your links below once you have made your own changes


Log into ADMINISTRATOR area on your Pixels Premium site (

If you are not being recognised then you are trying to log into Buyer

Change to

Version #2

Website Appearance – Homepage

In there are all the things you need to customise the site. Read each area carefully and have a good look around



Change everything here
Add new images
Create new slides

Scroll down to the bottom of the last slide
See Add New Slide
Choose CUSTOM in the type dropdown
Upload your two new images


Choose the title and add your biography.
Toggle whether it will show on the front page or not on the Section page


Turn some off
Change the order of the ones you wish to show


Choose the title and description that will show above this section
Toggle whether it will show on the front page or not on the Section page


Choose the title and description that will show above this section
Toggle whether it will show on the front page or not on the Section page

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Abbie (232)

Manager + on large art site Site owner and painter of awesome oils and watercolours.

Wannabe author and hardcase treehugger. All opinions are my own. Personal site is at

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